Section: Dissemination

Services to the scientific community

  • Christophe Godin has rendered the following services in 2011:

    • he is a member of the Steering Committee of UMR AGAP,

    • he is a member since 2011 of the scientific committee of Environment-Agronomy department at INRA

    • he is member of the international advisory board of the Functional-Structural Plant Models conference since 2001 (he was chair of the conference in 2004)

    • he is a member of the working group on Human Resources at INRIA.

    • he was a member of the Modeling commission headed by Patrick Valduriez, in charge of inventoring modelling actions on Montpellier and providing advice on the organization of research on modeling in the region.

    • he is a member of the scientific board of 2 the Labex NUMEV axes: Modeling and Algorithms.

    • he is associated editor of the new journal: Frontiers in technical advances in plant sciences: http://www.frontiersin.org/technical_advances_in_plant_science/editorialboard

    • he is the regional correspondant for the national group working on the introduction of computer science in high-schools in 2012, and headed by G. Berry, R. Cabane and G. Dowek.

    • he is a member of the MECSI working group, in charge on collecting educational contents for the introduction of computer science in high-schools in 2012.

    • he organized with M. Lizambert from Montpellier academy the first "workshop on Education-Research and industry" for preparing the introduction of computer science in high-schools in 2012.

    • he was member of a Jury for several young resercher positions at INRA.

    • he was member of an AERES visiting committee for the evaluation of an INRA Unit (Lusignan)

  • Yann Guédon has rendered the following services in 2011:

    • he is a member of the editorial board of Annals of Botany and a member of the ERCIM working group "Computing & Statistics".

    • he was a referee for papers submitted to Journal of Computational Science, Forest Ecology and Management and the XXIIIe GRETSI conference.

  • Frederic Boudon was referee for papers submitted to SIGGRAPH, Computer Graphics Forum and Ecological Modelling.

  • Christophe Pradal has rendered the following services in 2011:

    • he is the coordinator of the national platform for plant modeling OpenAlea

    • he was member of the scientific board of EuroSciPy'11, and editor of an associated special issue.

    • he was a reviewer for international conferences (EuroScipy), and journals (Annals of Botany, Journal Of Scientific Computing).

  • Etienne Farcot served as a referee for papers submitted to Biosystems, Journal of Mathematical Biology, PLoS One, and for a project submitted to the ANR.

  • Yassin Refahi was in the scientific board of the Majecstic conference for young researchers in information and computer science, see http://majecstic2010.labri.fr/index.php .

  • The team received several visitors from exterior research groups in 2011: Farah Ben Naoum, from Sidi Bel Abbes University, Algeria, visited us last spring for 1 month. Wojtek Palubicki, from Pr. Prusinkiewicz team in Calgary, visited the team in November-December 2011.